It’s interesting to find out which Peter Gabriel songs fans love the most! Top faves include:
I’ve walked by this particular office often in the past 5 years, but for the first time since February 19, 2018 I opened the door. I handed three manila envelopes to the receptionist who looked at the names and said, “Ok.” I thanked her and left. Wow, that was sort of a letdown. I had anticipated being asked to leave my name and birthdate as was required when I dropped off the first letter at another office in the practice. As I walked from one location to the other, I mentally prepared myself for a conversation about who I was and why I was there. I almost wanted to be questioned so I could show the raw emotions that lead me to write the ChatGPT enhanced letter sealed in those envelopes. I have a tendency to see “SIGNS” …. in Wordle boards, chance encounters, the song that pops up on shuffle. One particular sign that has been bothering me since July 2023 was the name of my former therapist on the door of his old office building. His license expired 6/30/2023. Hurray! No one else will be hurt by this predator. From the unethical referral to the “special” treatment that created an unhealthy dependency, all the red flags that were rationalized due to fear and desperation. In the barrage of appointments, I was not the only witness to the sarcasm, the anger, the threats. My story was another woman’s story and probably dozens more that I’ll never hear. I’m neurotic. That much is obvious. But I’m also equally psychological and analytical; driven to understand, then to act. It’s almost automatic for me to do something to alleviate the incessant rumination and physical discomfort I experience while identifying injustice and recognizing pain, my own or others. No choice but action. I need to make a difference, an impact, or at least try. I wrote a letter to let go of the burden, to expose the truth. See something, say something. I want this sign to be removed, but I suspect it’s still there because of a legal contract. If anything, it’s another sign that he had no intention of ever ending his career willingly. He thought this complaint would go nowhere like all of the others, but he was wrong. The story he told his last remaining clients was that he was retiring. He left out the real reason why. He let his license expire to avoid disciplinary action. He didn’t want to endure the humiliation of going into therapy himself and being supervised like an intern. Maybe he thought the case would just go away if he appealed and let the license lapse, but I’m here to remind him that the Notice and Consent Order on the VDHP website will be available for 50 years, a lot longer than his name on a door. Today, the first episode of a new podcast, Psycho-Therapy is available and I believe it’ll be a valuable resource for victims of therapy harm. I’m so impressed that someone who was deeply hurt by an inappropriate therapeutic relationship is willing to take action to help others. It’s through community and connection that we can find healing. Change happens with sharing stories and listening. Thank you to everyone who is brave enough to be vulnerable and honest. I hope to share lessons learned from my “success” story in filing a complaint against a psychologist by giving advice to those who are considering this option. The odds are n’ot in favor of the sources. In Virginia, only 6% of the cases received by the Psychology Board that advance past the probable cause review are closed with a violation and disciplinary action. This statistic helps me realize just how rare it is to get accountability or acknowledgment of harm caused. In the past 20 years, only 11 psychologists in Charlottesville have been subject to suspension, probation, or reprimand. Just two surrendered their licenses and 6 currently have valid licenses, Filing a complaint isn’t necessarily the best choice depending on your circumstances, but can be one part of the healing process. It’s also important for me to create additional resources to help other victims in their recovery and to warn others about potential red flags in therapy. Currently in training to run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run for the 13th time.
A Goal: 1:24:24 (not likely, but it’s a sec faster than my 2019 time) B Goal; 1:29:59 (would be nice to be under 1:30 again at least) C Goal: 1:34:38 (one second faster than my 2023 time) D Goal: 1:44:12 (one second faster than my 2022 time) I’m not sure if Fran meeting me for lunch while I was working at the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues counts as our first date, but let’s start the love story there. 😘
(exact date unknown cuz I’m an elderly woman with poor memory 🤦♀️) FREE WOMEN GET ONE TODAY That sign is one of my favorite mementos from working at CCWI from 1993-1994. |
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February 2025